The Photo Ladies
The Photo Ladies
Founded 2015

TPL: The Band Camino Tour Diary

The Photo Ladies set out to cover Nashville's Pop/Rock outlet, The Band Camino, on their sold-out US Spring Tour (aka The Tour Camino) with Hastings and flor.

The Band Camino | Photo: Jimmy Fontaine

Featuring coverage from:

Louisville, KYEmily May | San Francisco, CA - Dana Jacobs | Vancouver, BC - Kelli Rothwell | Dallas, TXKy Kasselman | Atlanta, GA - Sophie Harris | Silver Springs, MD - Sarah PetweBoston, MA  - Brittany Isaacson | Philadelphia, PA - Carolyn Lederach

Garrison | Louisville, KYEmily May 

Jeff | Louisville, KYEmily May 

Spencer | Louisville, KYEmily May 

The Band Camino | Louisville, KYEmily May 

Jeff | Vancouver, BC - Kelli Rothwell

Garrison | Vancouver, BC - Kelli Rothwell

Jeff | Vancouver, BC - Kelli Rothwell

Spencer } Vancouver, BC - Kelli Rothwell

The Band Camino | San Francisco, CA - Dana Jacobs

Jeff | San Francisco, CA - Dana Jacobs

San Francisco, CA - Dana Jacobs

The Band Camino | San Francisco, CA - Dana Jacobs

Spencer | Dallas, TXKy Kasselman

Jeff | Dallas, TXKy Kasselman

Dallas, TXKy Kasselman

Dallas, TXKy Kasselman

Jeff | Atlanta, GA - Sophie Harris

Atlanta, GA - Sophie Harris

Spencer | Atlanta, GA - Sophie Harris

Atlanta, GA - Sophie Harris

Silver Springs, MD - Sarah Petwe

Silver Springs, MD - Sarah Petwe

Silver Springs, MD - Sarah Petwe

Silver Springs, MD - Sarah Petwe

Jeff | Boston, MA  - Brittany Isaacson

Boston, MA  - Brittany Isaacson

Spencer | Boston, MA  - Brittany Isaacson

Jeff | Boston, MA  - Brittany Isaacson

Spencer | Philadelphia, PA - Carolyn Lederach

Philadelphia, PA - Carolyn Lederach

Jeff | Philadelphia, PA - Carolyn Lederach

Philadelphia, PA - Carolyn Lederach

San Francisco, CA - Dana Jacobs

Silver Springs, MD - Sarah Petwe

Silver Springs, MD - Sarah Petwe

Dallas, TXKy Kasselman

Jeff & Hastings | Philadelphia, PA - Carolyn Lederach

Atlanta, GA - Sophie Harris

Boston, MA  - Brittany Isaacson

San Francisco, CA - Dana Jacobs